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what are we fundraising for


how to order

Ordering your samosas for our fundraiser could not be easier! Simply select your order, fill out your details and pay by debit or credit card. Be sure to check out the Customer Collection Details below for information on when your samosa order will be ready.

how does your purchase support our fundraiser?

For every 10 pack of samosas you buy, $10.00 is donated from Surti to  

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Order distribution details


  total funds raised

  total funds raised

orders close



What are we fundraising for?


How does your purchase support our fundraiser?

For every 10 pack of samosas you buy, $10.00 is donated from Surti to  

Order details

Orders close on

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Primary numbeR


order distribution details



Thank you for supporting



The team at Surti is now working hard to make your delicious samosas.

final funds raised

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Primary number


order distribution details


Samosas you can order

Vegetable Samosas

This is the Surti classic. Made with traditionally spice potatoes and mixed vegetables. Precooked, oven ready and suitable for the pie warmer. Vegan friendly.



Traditionally spiced lamb samosa. A classic meat based option. Precooked, oven ready and suitable for the pie warmer. Halal certified.

Butter Chicken Samosas

The crowd favourite! This is a one of a kind product made with premium ingredients. Precooked, oven ready and suitable for the pie warmer. Halal certified.

Spiced Chicken Samosas

Traditionally spiced chicken samosa with a extra bit of chilli. Precooked, oven ready and suitable for the pie warmer. Halal certified.